Results for 'Almudena Alba López'

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  1.  20
    Hilario de Poitiers y la fe de los orientales. Una reflexión sobre la influencia del exilio en su comprensión de las querellas teológicas de su tiempo.Almudena Alba López - 2021 - Isidorianum 30 (2):11-32.
    En el presente trabajo abordamos el papel desempeñado por el exilio padecido por Hilario de Poitiers y su relación con los obispos homeusianos en su comprensión de la realidad teológica del episcopado oriental. Su toma de contacto con las corrientes doctrinales con las que se familiariza durante su estancia en Oriente y la relación que traba con los obispos en los sínodos a los que asiste le llevan a constatar la existencia de más puntos en común que divergencias. Centrándose en (...)
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  2.  16
    Nuevas perspectivas en torno a la fe y el mérito en la obra de Hilario de Poitiers.Almudena Alba López - 2022 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 105 (2):177-207.
    L’influence du corpus paulinien sur l’œuvre et la pensée d’Hilaire de Poitiers est évidente autant dans l’approche exégétique de l’évêque vis-à-vis des textes bibliques que dans les sujets qu’il traite. Parmi ceux-ci, la justification par la foi fait l’objet d’un développement remarquable dans ses œuvres principales, en particulier dans le Commentarium in Matthaeum, dans laquelle l’évêque de Poitiers souligne la capacité exclusive de la foi pour justifier l’être humain et l’impuissance des œuvres pour l’atteindre. Cette radicalité apparente de son approche (...)
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    The Treatment of the Resurrection of Lazarus (Jn 11:1-44) in the Works of Hilary of Poitiers. Reflections on the Nature and Glorification of the Son in the Light of Anti-Arian Polemics. [REVIEW]Almudena Alba López - 2022 - Augustinianum 62 (1):79-95.
    The exegesis of the resurrection of Lazarus offers Hilary of Poitiers the chance to reflect on the emotional suffering of the Word made flesh and its glorification by the Father. The bishop uses these motifs to rebut the subordinationist position of his adversaries and to uphold the presence of the Father in the Son, declaring the perfect equality of both persons. Thus, he uses the miracle of the resurrection of Lazarus to show how the glorification of the Son is intended (...)
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    Autoridad y poder en los escritos polémicos de Hilario de Poitiers; Almudena Alba López.Patrick Descourtieux - 2015 - Augustinianum 55 (1):243-245.
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  5. Desafíos educativos actuales: investigación e innovación en el aula.A. Romero-Iribas, Almudena Santaella & Martín Zulaica López (eds.) - 2024 - Octaedro.
    La irrupción de la inteligencia artificial, la consecución de los objetivos de inclusión, igualdad o de sostenibilidad económica, plantean en las sociedades occidentales diferentes alternativas de actuación educativa. Este nuevo entorno que habitamos ha provocado también una evolución en los desafíos éticos que se presentan en el mundo de la educación caracterizados por la complejidad de su resolución y por la pluralidad de escenarios y protagonistas involucrados en los mismos. Cuestiones referentes a ¿cómo posicionar al profesor ante la posibilidad del (...)
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    Implicit Attitudes to Female Body Shape in Spanish Women With High and Low Body Dissatisfaction.Mónica Hernández-López, Alba Antequera-Rubio & Miguel Rodríguez-Valverde - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Poverty, Trust, and Social Distance: A Self-Reinforcing “Poverty Trap”?Almudena Fernández, Luis F. López-Calva & Santiago Rodríguez - 2023 - Social Philosophy and Policy 40 (1):129-149.
    We consider the concept of poverty from the asset-accumulation approach and propose an integrated framework, building upon existing theories, to describe how the interconnected factors of trust (or lack thereof) and social distance can reinforce poverty traps. Social distance is influenced by choice, while trust is the symptom that defines the strength of social ties on a group. We look at how an absence of trust influences how households make decisions about the use and accumulation of assets in ways that (...)
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    If anyone menaced my shore / I would tooth and claw and nail / for the only thing I had.Alba de Juan I. López - 2023 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 114:261-299.
    En 1993 y 2012 la poeta irlandesa Mary O’Malley publicó Valparaiso y Where the Rocks Float que edificó alrededor de la figura del mar y de la zona costera irlandesa donde nació. En ambas colecciones, la figura del mar se transforma en un potente agente activo que denuncia el rol de la mujer en la sociedad irlandesa y la explotación de los espacios azules con fines de consumo. Utilizando el análisis de Donna Haraway en Manifiesto cíborg (1985), este artículo analizará (...)
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    Reseñas.Santiago Alba Rico, María Teresa Román López, Carolina Escalera & Emilio Ginés Morales Cañábate - 2007 - Endoxa 1 (22):387.
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    Emotional stress in medical students from the National Autonomous University of Mexico.Alba Brenda Daniel Guerrero, Carlos Arturo Rodríguez Reyna, Sara Morales López & Arantxa Pizá Aragón - 2017 - Humanidades Médicas 17 (3):497-515.
    El presente estudio se realizó con el objetivo de evaluar el impacto del estrés emocional en la adecuada toma de decisiones y práctica médica oportuna y de calidad de los estudiantes que cursan el quinto año de la carrera en la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Se utilizó una lista de valoración para las competencias de la simulación de reanimación cardiopulmonar avanzada, y un Cuestionario de Maslach Burnout Inventory para valorar los sentimientos, actitudes y de (...)
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  11.  29
    (1 other version)A fair allocation approach to the ethics of scarce resources in the context of a pandemic: The need to prioritize the worst‐off in the Philippines.Leonardo De Castro, Alexander Atrio Lopez, Geohari Hamoy, Kriedge Chlare Alba & Joshua Cedric Gundayao - 2021 - Developing World Bioethics 21 (4):153-172.
    Using a fair allocation approach, this paper identifies and examines important concerns arising from the Philippines’ COVID‐19 response while focusing on difficulties encountered by various sectors in gaining fair access to needed societal resources. The effectiveness of different response measures is anchored on addressing inequities that have permeated Philippine society for a long time. Since most measures that are in place as part of the COVID‐19 response are meant to be temporary, these are unable to resolve the inequities that have (...)
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  12.  18
    Speech predictability can hinder communication in difficult listening conditions.Miriam I. Marrufo-Pérez, Almudena Eustaquio-Martín & Enrique A. Lopez-Poveda - 2019 - Cognition 192 (C):103992.
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    Electrophysiological indices of pain expectation abnormalities in fibromyalgia patients.Paloma Barjola, Irene Peláez, David Ferrera, José Luis González-Gutiérrez, Lilian Velasco, Cecilia Peñacoba-Puente, Almudena López-López, Roberto Fernandes-Magalhaes & Francisco Mercado - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:943976.
    Fibromyalgia is a chronic pain syndrome characterized by dysfunctional processing of nociceptive stimulation. Neuroimaging studies have pointed out that pain-related network functioning seems to be altered in these patients. It is thought that this clinical symptomatology may be maintained or even strengthened because of an enhanced expectancy for painful stimuli or its forthcoming appearance. However, neural electrophysiological correlates associated with such attentional mechanisms have been scarcely explored. In the current study, expectancy processes of upcoming laser stimulation (painful and non-painful) and (...)
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    RESEÑA de: López Sáenz, Mª Carmen. Dos filosofías del sentir: M. Merleau-Ponty y M. Zambrano. Editorial Académica Española, 2013. [REVIEW]Alba Milagro Pinto - 2013 - Endoxa 32:267-271.
  15.  19
    López quintás, Alfonso: La ética O es transfiguración O no es Nada, Bac, madrid, 2014, 871p.Marcelino Agís Villaverde & Alba Iglesias Varela - 2017 - Agora 36 (1).
    La propuesta que nos hace Alfonso López Quintás, catedrático emérito de filosofía de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid y uno de los grandes pensadores españoles, en La ética o es transfiguración o no es nada, es la de emprender un camino de crecimiento personal. Forma parte esencial de nuestra existencia el crecimiento en una doble vertiente: biológica y espiritual. El crecimiento natural impone sus propios límites, a través de unas reglas que limitan nuestra vida. Sin embargo, los límites de (...)
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  16. Estados alterados de consciencia: lo que la fMRI está revelando.Ciencia Cognitiva - forthcoming - Ciencia Cognitiva.
    Alba Martínez López y Juan Lupiáñez Castillo Centro de Investigación Mente, Cerebro y Comportamiento, Universidad de Granada, España El diagnóstico … Read More →.
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    La técnica moderna y las "superaciones del hombre": mutaciones de la experiencia.Lorena Acosta Iglesias & Pablo López Alvarez (eds.) - 2018 - Madrid: Escolar y Mayo Editores.
    La filosofía del siglo XX apenas puede entenderse sin lo que tiene de constatación de una grave crisis. Transformaciones históricas de largo alcance como la redefinición del Estado burocrático, la irrupción de la cultura de masas o el despliegue de la técnica industrial modificaron sustantivamente la experiencia que los hombres tenían de sí mismos y del mundo.La ambivalencia de esos cambios en lo que tienen, por un lado, de hitos de progreso racional, y, por otro, de verdaderas amenazas para el (...)
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  18.  94
    Response-Dependencies: Colors and Values.Dan López de Sa - 2003 - Dissertation, Barcelona
    Tesis doctoral presentada en el departament de Lògica Història i Filosofia de la Ciencia de la Universitat de Barcelona per optar al títol de Doctor en Filosofia.
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  19.  51
    ERPLAB: an open-source toolbox for the analysis of event-related potentials.Javier Lopez-Calderon & Steven J. Luck - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  20.  41
    On the Possible Existence of a ‘First Law of Environmental Stewardship’: How Organisations Bring Volunteers Together in Social and Geographic Space.Christina W. Lopez & Russell C. Weaver - 2022 - Environmental Values 31 (4):463-492.
    This article contends that environmental organisations vary in type, scale and purpose in ways that help stewards self-sort into the opportunities that align with their individual motivations and environmental concerns. To explore these potential links between personal motivations and environmental organisational attributes, we rely on descriptive and inferential statistics from surveys of two partner environmental organisations: one local scale community based-organisation and one a broader scale environmental non-profit organisation, both located in Central Texas, USA. These partners were selected based on (...)
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  21.  28
    COVID-19 Confinement and Health Risk Behaviors in Spain.Rubén López-Bueno, Joaquín Calatayud, José Casaña, José A. Casajús, Lee Smith, Mark A. Tully, Lars L. Andersen & Guillermo F. López-Sánchez - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The World Health Organization has declared a world pandemic due to COVID-19. In response, most affected countries have enacted measures involving compulsory confinement and restrictions on free movement, which likely influence citizens' lifestyles. This study investigates changes in health risk behaviors with duration of confinement. An online cross-sectional survey served to collect data about the Spanish adult population regarding health behaviors during the first 3 weeks of confinement. A large sample of participants from all Spanish regions completed the survey. Binomial (...)
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  22.  48
    Time’s Direction and Orthodox Quantum Mechanics: Time Symmetry and Measurement.Cristian Lopez - 2022 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 53 (4):421-440.
    It has been argued that measurement-induced collapses in Orthodox Quantum Mechanics generates an intrinsic (or built-in) quantum arrow of time. In this paper, I critically assess this proposal. I begin by distinguishing between an intrinsic and non-intrinsic arrow of time. After presenting the proposal of a collapse-based arrow of time in some detail, I argue, first, that any quantum arrow of time in Orthodox Quantum Mechanics is non-intrinsic since it depends on external information about the measurement context, and second, that (...)
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  23.  40
    A Framework to Evaluate Justice Claims in the Russian State-Led Doping Case.Francisco Javier Lopez Frias, Brett Diaz & Rachel Park - 2021 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 16 (4):427-442.
    In this article, we examine scholarly analyses of justice and develop a framework that can help assess the claims from the parties in the Russian state-led doping scandal, including, but not limited to, Russian athletes, non-Russian athletes, the World Anti-Doping Agency, and sport governing bodies. The two key components of this justice framework are pluralism and relationality/contextuality. We argue that a justice framework built upon these elements better captures the nature of justice. We conclude that no party in the Russian (...)
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  24. Computational Functionalism for the Deep Learning Era.Ezequiel López-Rubio - 2018 - Minds and Machines 28 (4):667-688.
    Deep learning is a kind of machine learning which happens in a certain type of artificial neural networks called deep networks. Artificial deep networks, which exhibit many similarities with biological ones, have consistently shown human-like performance in many intelligent tasks. This poses the question whether this performance is caused by such similarities. After reviewing the structure and learning processes of artificial and biological neural networks, we outline two important reasons for the success of deep learning, namely the extraction of successively (...)
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  25.  35
    Schizophrenia and the Place of Egodystonic States in the Aetiology of Thought Insertion.Pablo López-Silva - 2016 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 7 (3):577-594.
    Despite the diagnostic relevance of thought insertion for disorders such as schizophrenia, the debates about its aetiology are far from resolved. This paper claims that in paying exclusive attention to the perceptual and cognitive impairments leading to delusional experiences in general, current deficit approaches overlook the role that affective disturbances might play in giving rise to cases of thought insertion. In the context of psychosis, affective impairments are often characterized as a consequence of the stress and anxiety caused by delusional (...)
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  26.  66
    Roads to the past: how to go and not to go backward in time in quantum theories.Cristian López - 2019 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 9 (2):27.
    In this article I shall defend, against the conventional understanding of the matter, that two coherent and tenable approaches to time reversal can be suitably introduced in standard quantum mechanics: an “orthodox” approach that demands time reversal to be represented in terms of an anti-unitary and anti-linear time-reversal operator, and a “heterodox” approach that represents time reversal in terms of a unitary, linear time-reversal operator. The rationale shall be that the orthodox approach in quantum theories assumes a relationalist metaphysics of (...)
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  27.  29
    Professional values of nurse lecturers at three universities in Colombia.Arabely López-Pereira & Gloria Arango-Bayer - 2017 - Nursing Ethics 24 (2):198-208.
    Objective: To describe the professional values of the nurse lectures according to 241 nursing students, who participated voluntarily, in three different universities of Bogotá. Methodology: This is a quantitative, descriptive cross-sectional study that applied the Nurses Professional Values Scale—permission secured—Spanish; three dimensions of values were applied: ethics, commitment, and professional knowledge. Ethical consideration: Project had ethical review and approval from an ethics committee and participants were given information sheets to read before they agreed to participate in the project. Findings: It (...)
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  28.  35
    No communication without manipulation: A causal-deflationary view of information.Cristian Ariel López & Olimpia Iris Lombardi - 2019 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 73:34-43.
  29.  13
    Culture Change Management in Long-Term Care: A Shop-Floor View.Steven Henry Lopez - 2006 - Politics and Society 34 (1):55-80.
    Advocates of culture-change management suggest that the right sort of managerial philosophy can transform nursing homes from impersonal institutions into safe, caring communities. However, participant observation carried out at Heartland Community, a nonprofit culture-change nursing home, suggests that culture change founders on the structural problem of inadequate staffing. Resource limitations imposed by Medicaid and Medicare reimbursement rates mean that even nonprofit facilities desiring to maximize staffing cannot afford to hire enough staff to live up to basic care standards. Thus, above-average (...)
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  30.  33
    The style of the new war: Making the rules as we go along.George A. Lopez - 2002 - Ethics and International Affairs 16 (1):21–26.
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    La composición de las "Epístolas a Lucilo".Agustín López Kindler - 1968 - Anuario Filosófico 1 (1):91-134.
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  32. Aplicación de la técnica DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis) en la determinación de eficiencia de centros de costo de producción.Juan Fernando Lopez, Marcela María Morales & Sergio Fernández Henao - 2007 - Scientia 13.
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  33. Congresos, Jornadas, cursos efemérides, in memoriam.Justino Lopez Santamaria - 2002 - Estudios Filosóficos 51 (148):515-521.
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  34. Cuidados paliativos.Antonio Pascual Lopez - 2003 - Humanitas 1 (1):71-78.
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  35. El concepto de representación en Brentano.Antonio Lopez - 2004 - Suplementos de Contrastes: Revista Interdisciplinar de Filosofía 10:229-248.
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  36. El optimismo paulino.L. Lopez de Las Heras - 1990 - Studium 30 (2):195-229.
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    Editorial: Psychosocial Interventions for Suicide Prevention.Jorge Lopez-Castroman & Raffaella Calati - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  38. Ensayos Sobre Liberalismo Y Comunitarismo.Eduardo Lopez - 2004 - Cuadernos de Filosofía 49:99-100.
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    Filosofía de la Mente y Psicología: Enfoques Interdisciplinarios.Pablo Lopez-Silva - 2020 - Santiago, Santiago Metropolitan Region, Chile: UAH Ediciones.
  40. Lecciones del Gorgias de Platón para una ética de la investigación biomédica.Luis Lopez - 2009 - Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy 35:121-149.
    Después de una visión general del Gorgias de Platón, se hace una presentación del realismodel personaje Calicles y la respuesta de Sócrates, así como de las tesis centrales sobre la justicia en el texto. Posteriormente se sintetizan algunas de los elementos nucleares de la ética de la investigación que compete a los comités de regulación de los estudios clínicos, poniendo énfasis en los vacíos que dejan ver desde la perspectiva filosófica, a la luz del propio texto platónico, y los aportes (...)
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  41. La estética ontológica de M. Merleau Ponty.Maria Lopez - 1992 - Pensamiento 48 (189):69-77.
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  42. La educaciÓn superior en el contexto de la globalizaciÓn y de la sociedad del conocimiento.Francisco Lopez Segrera - 2004 - Verdad y Vida 62 (240-41):321-388.
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  43. La principalidad del Espiritu Santo en la experiencia cristiana de Francisco de Asis.S. Lopez Talavera - 1998 - Verdad y Vida 56 (223):397-424.
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  44. La sospecha de orientalismo y dualismo en Platón.Cesáreo Lopez-Salgado - 1986 - Sapientia 41 (160):93-100.
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  45. La secularización de la escatología en la filosofía moderna de la historia, según Karl Lowith.Inti Reyes Lopez - 2022 - In Ángel Xolocotzi Yáñez, Margareth Mejía Génez & Jean Orejarena Torres (eds.), Pensando el acontecer de la historia: reflexiones filosóficas sobre la historia en la modernidad tardía. Ciudad de México: Ediciones del Lirio.
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    Molar, Moral, Molecular: Genealogy to Geology.Andrew Lopez - 2007 - Rhizomes 15 (1).
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    Quantifying the immeasurable: A reflection on sport, time and media.Hibai Lopez-Gonzalez - 2014 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 41 (3):347-362.
    In the last century, professional sport has experienced a process of standardization that has favoured the development of its two most recent characteristics: the quantification and the pursuit of records, as Guttmann exposed in From Ritual to Record (1978). This article reflects on the ramifications that those characteristics have had in the sport consumption of sport in recent times, focusing particularly on the temporal consequences. The work proposes an ‘evolutive time’ perspective to understand the double fundaments of the sporting temporality: (...)
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    Réflexion autour d’un triptyque : catastrophes industrielles, droit international économique et justice « socio-environnementale ».Benoît Lopez - 2024 - Revue de Philosophie Économique 1:113-139.
    Réfléchir à l’idée de justice et de prise en compte des intérêts, notamment économiques, ouvre un champ d’étude considérable, même en prenant comme point de départ l’analyse juridique. Aussi pour tenter de circonscrire l’objet de cette recherche, le choix a été fait de partir d’une situation, provoquant la mise en tension de l’idée même de justice d’une manière originale et d’envisager une réponse juridique nouvelle. A cet égard, partir des catastrophes industrielles s’est imposé à plusieurs titres. D’une part, le phénomène (...)
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    Reconstruction d'une s‐expansion.Gérard Lopez - 1983 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 29 (1):11-24.
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    Reconstruction of binary relations from their restrictions of cardinality 2, 3, 4 and (n ‐ 1) II.Gérard Lopez & Claire Rauzy - 1992 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 38 (1):157-168.
    We shall prove here that any binary relation on a base E with cardinality n > 6 is reconstructible from its restrictions of cardinality 2, 3, 4 and . This proof needs results of part I of this paper where we characterize any pair of relations R, R' which are 2-, 3- and 4-hypomorphic. As a corollary we obtain that any binary relation is -reconstructible.
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